It’s been so incredibly busy lately I hadn’t noticed I’d not posted anything since July. Autumn is now here & the leaves are turning so he’s an update on what has been going on in my world.
Lots of new clients which is just wonderful! I always have a queue of work but people also find me when wanting a garden design or are often recommended by existing clients which is so flattering & kind & keeps it all going. I now have new garden design schemes in Bath, Brighton, Marlow & Henley on Thames so I’ll continue to be busy!
I’ve been back to visit Ginni at Pip’s Place to see the latest phase completed – her fabulous pond with boardwalk. She had a small pond anyway but it wasn’t particularly impressive & scale wise it was far too small beside her fabulous & very large Georgian house. Most of the garden I designed for her is formal & very smart but this area leads into her woodland & off to the landscape beyond so she wanted natural. I love a boulder so suggested several – here they are. I’m so delighted with the sinuous boardwalk too. It’s turned into one of her favourite places & the wildlife loves it too.

Whilst I was there I had a look at previous phases & how about this for a ‘before & after’?

I think this courtyard is my favourite part of what is actually a huge garden of several acres.
I’ve worked from my French studio for a large chunk of the summer which was lovely as we’ve really missed out being there during covid. Here are a few of the drawings I produced whilst there…

I’ve been working on a garden design with swimming pool for a lovely family who live near Bath. Whilst away I had to tweak the design of the swimming pool & terraces to ensure the roots of the mature trees on the boundary remained untouched. It’s a sloping site & below a couple of inches of soil its stone & gravel so not the easiest. This was the only spot for the pool in many ways & it’s now gone in for planning – these are a couple of my drawings. So far sounds very good & should be built for next Spring – lucky kids!

This design is for a contemporary new house currently under construction. My client Leila found me via instagram & asked me to design her new garden. She & her husband are going to be building the garden themselves – something I am sure they can handle as he built his own plane! watch this space for photos
We had 40 degree heat in Loches so as you can see the lawn was toast! Bruno always enjoys being away with us & when it was cool enough after work in the evenings we all ventured outside & jumped in the pool

I generally get a lot done whilst I’m in my French studio as there are few distractions so I’m able to buckle down & draw. This scheme below is for a new build house in Shiplake near Henley on Thames. My clients had ordered this summerhouse & wanted a beautiful garden to site it. It’s a slightly sloping site so I’ve added steps & a raised bed to solve that issue & add interest. This one starts in November

Whilst away in France we visited brocantes, lots of French markets – ours in Loches is twice a week & always excellent. The cobbled streets are taken over by fabulous market stalls selling, veg, fruit, fish handmade linen clothes (which I love!) & cafes spill out everywhere. We always go to Tours for a day in the city & have a couple of favourite restaurants there. We take Bruno sometimes & the last time was hilarious as people would not have stared more if I’d been walking a unicorn! He is enormous & people obviously think it very strange we have such a big beast :)…

Back in blighty

Back home now enjoying our courtyard garden & back in my studio designing a clients’ courtyard
’til next time