Like a child in a sweet shop!
I had a super day yesterday – in the sunshine no less! I went out with Rob, my landscape contractor to see some of my gardens being constructed, then on with Emma, Rob’s plant sourcer to buy specimen plants & trees for new gardens. We started near Henley at Nick & Nicola’s sloping garden where the team have been felling unwanted trees & laying a new hedge. It’s looking fantastic – such an improvement. I will post before & after shots shortly. Next onto the Estate garden near Amersham to say hi to our client Jane, collect Emma & go shopping.
We’ve been at Jane’s garden for three years as it is such a large project. It’s been thoroughly enjoyable & I think Jane has really enjoyed the whole transformation too. She lost a couple of big conifers in the storms so we had a look to see what could be done in the vast hole they have left. I’ll let you know when a decision has been made. Jane & her husband also have a barn in Norfolk so imagine our delight when she asked us if we’d like to go & have a look at the garden there. It’s so flattering when a client is so happy they give you other schemes to design & build too. More news when I have it.
Onto the shopping expedition – look at what I tagged – aren’t they gorgeous?
These are for a scheme in Oxford for a delightful lady called Karen. I showed her imagery of the entrance to the Abercrombie & Fitch store in Paris & thought it would be perfect to create something similar for here. See below – I think you will agree they are the same so will look spectacular when planted.
- Hornbeams in Paris
- Hornbeams destined for Oxford
We were also looking out for something architectural for my Moroccan style garden in Goring on Thames for our client Mary. We found this which will look spectacular & really fulfil the brief. Here’s Rob too having a sit down!
It’s a trade day at the nursery which is always lovely to go to. They put on a lunch & ask visitors to buy raffle tickets for their chosen charity which builds sensory gardens for poorly children. Guess what – I won!! I got a case of wine so a jolly good day out it was too!
I’ve work to get on with so I’ll sign off & be back soon. Have a lovely weekend!