one of my sketches
I hold my hand up & state I only ever design & draw using pens & pencils on my AO drawing boards. I stand for hours & become totally absorbed in the process – which I love. It comes naturally & is just how I’m made. I never use Autocad. When I was studying garden design we were given a computer & a book on autocad & left to get on with it. I hated it as the book was written by engineers & I’m not one of those – I am basically arty through & through & my brain won’t readily compute. Luckily my clients love my drawings & often frame them. Most dislike CAD renders & yes – sometimes they can appear clunky or truly awful but, some are just incredible & I am in awe…
I work with architects quite a lot & whilst they are very complimentary about my drawings they mostly use autocad. Architects generally use computers for all their work & it totally makes sense for them to follow through. There are so many components & changes made in their process it is so much quicker to tweak drawings via CAD whereas I have to get out my scalpel 🙂
Here’s a really interesting one. I’m working on a project for a client who was recommended to me by their architect whom I work with regularly. I produced my plans & drawings as I always do but for planning purposes the architects felt the best way to present our collective scheme was via CAD imagery. They are incredible – this is one of mine beside one of theirs….

So, CAD or hand drawn? You just can’t compare can you? Do you have a preference?

Nope – they are so incredibly different but I think with both you can see how this garden will be. My drawings give a sketchy but clear flavour of the new garden & the CAD version is a snapshot of the future. There’s room for both thankfully. Hats off to Radu @ RCCVisuals for their amazing work.
All for now – must dash