- National tomato collection at Chateau Bourdaisiere
I spent my birthday at Chateau Bourdaisiere in the Loire Valley. For me it’s a perfect day out – a fantastic building, a wonderful restaurant, fabulous grounds & a super shop! My birthday is in August so if I’m in the Loire Valley, I’m likely to have great weather. Spending the afternoon sitting in their walled kitchen garden amongst the dahlia collection, drinking local chilled wine under a shade & eating delicious home grown food with my husband is a very happy experience.
There are literally hundreds of varieties in so many shapes & sizes – all labelled & grown on wooden wigwams. It’s a joy to wander around – not just because I’m a garden designer – it’s just a fabulous place & quite a feat to behold. Such a relaxed place too – you are welcome to stay & savour their abundant harvest all afternoon.
This is sounding like an advert & it’s not meant to – I write these blogs to give an insight into what I do & love, what inspires me, makes me happy & may just make you happy too! If you are ever in the Loire Valley – you are likely to be there as you love the chateaux, the wine & food & the French way of life so I’m sure you’d enjoy this place.
Here’s some dahlias. I love their architectural splendour! I don’t have any myself & that really has to change so watch this space 🙂
The shop is a gardeners treat too but take a credit card! It’s full of very stylish & desirable treats – mais – tres cher!
All for now I’m afraid – as usual I’m snowed under!